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Speech for Leaving to Go to a New Job

By: Maggie Lonsdale BA (hons) - Updated: 4 Feb 2021 | comments*Discuss
Speech Leaving New Job Colleague Team

Leaving to start a new job does not require a long speech. It is important that you remain positive and do not criticise your current company. If there have been well-publicised problems with your role, or personality clashes that have forced you to look for another job, you may wish to carefully acknowledge them but you must not launch into a bitter attack.

The best piece of advice is to keep your speech short. You do need to tell your team and/or colleagues that you are leaving, especially as there may already have been office gossip on the subject, but you do not have to go into too many details.

Preparation for your Leaving Speech

Don’t wait until everyone has huddled round the water cooler, gossiping about your impending departure to announce that you are leaving. Although you might like being the centre of attention, it is not really appropriate to talk for too long; after all, your colleagues will still be working there when you leave.

It is best to make a short, positive speech as soon as you are certain that you are leaving. Ideally, clear it with any senior staff/your boss so that you are not treading on anyone’s toes, or trying to look as though you are out to poach staff for your new company.

1. Ask to Speak to Your Colleagues/Team

Depending on the usual protocol in your company, call a meeting with the relevant colleagues by email, using the notice board or simply asking people to gather round. Tell people that you are leaving to go to work at another company and when your last day in the office will be.

  • Use a suitable method to call a meeting with people involved
  • Acknowledge any office gossip, if appropriate
  • Say that you are leaving your current position
Example: I just wanted a few minutes of your time to confirm the rumours that have been going round the office for the past couple of days. I have been offered a challenging new position at (company name, if appropriate, or just say ‘another company’) and will have my last day in the office next Friday.

2. Give Some Information

You do not need to go into loads of detail, especially as it can make you look terribly bitter, but you can give some reasons why you are leaving, as long as you give them a positive slant. Now is also a good time to say what you have enjoyed about your current position and what you have learned. Remember, you never know when your path may cross with someone at your current company, so don’t leave in a blaze of negativity, even if it may feel good in the short term.

  • Briefly and positively explain why you are leaving
  • Highlight what you have gained in your current role
  • Don’t go overboard on the whingeing!

Example: I’ve learned a great deal in the four years I’ve worked here and I’m proud to have been part of the award-winning team on the Manchester project. The job at (new company) will give me an opportunity to utilise the customer-focused philosophy I’ve learned here and I am keen to lead a nationwide team.

3. Finish on a Positive Note

There is no need to talk for much longer than a few minutes, especially as this could be misconstrued as trying to encourage other staff to leave with you. If you know who your successor is for your current role, you can introduce them now, if appropriate, or just mention that you know the team will continue to flourish. Simply end your speech by wishing everyone the best of luck in their careers and invite them all to your leaving drinks, that way you cannot be accused of looking negative or making the situation difficult.

  • Say who will be taking over your role, if appropriate
  • Wish your team/colleagues the best of luck
  • Give a date and time for your leaving do

Example: I have certainly gained excellent experience in this company and I am sure that you will all continue to develop your careers in a positive manner. I’m sure you will all be pleased to know that Damien Greenbank will be starting as your new manager in two weeks time. He brings with him a real talent for winning projects and adding value to our offer. He will be coming to my leaving drinks next Friday at the Prince of Wales pub, so I hope you will all be able to join us for a beer or two on me!

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Very interesting and I learned a lot from the above valid topics.Appriciating and thanks a lot.
Nag - 4-Feb-21 @ 8:45 PM
Show me about correct method for introductions
Marine - 12-Sep-12 @ 10:06 PM
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