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Speech for a Works Summer Party

By: Chris Hogan MSc - Updated: 21 Nov 2010 | comments*Discuss
Summer Party Speech Event Thanks Marquee

A works summer party, fete or barbeque will naturally be a less formal affair than many other business occasions and any speech should match that mood. For the purposes of this article we'll assume that the party is a general one rather than one that's been called to celebrate or reward a particular business event.

If there is a particular event that is to be celebrated, and it just happens that an opportunity for an outside summer party has come along at the same time, then take some of the ideas and pointers in this article. Mix them with others from the articles in our range which best matches your event and you should have the perfect speech.

Keep it Light

People might not know what to expect in terms of behaviour at a summer party. They're probably expecting it to be more light-hearted than a formal dinner but your speech can set the tone

  • Thank everyone for coming
  • Tell people you expect them to relax and have a good time
  • Tell them how the party is arranged

Example: Hello everyone and welcome to the party. I won't keep you for too long, I just want to tell you a bit about what's happening today. We're informal today so do please relax and have a good time. There are two marquees here, the small one for drinks and the larger one where we'll have dinner and entertainment in the evening. The jazz band will be playing two sets during the afternoon just here, and for those of you who have children there's the bouncy castle and crèche further round to the right.

Tell People What's Happening

The middle of your speech is your chance to set people further at ease, let them know what to expect. Don’t go into great detail, just make sure that everyone knows what's happening so they can relax.

  • Run though the agenda for the day/evening
  • Give special mention to anyone who warrants it
  • Outline any entertainment that's coming up at the party

Example: After the jazz band we'll have a break for a few hours but the light refreshments in the small marquee will continue for anyone who needs a drink (pause for laughter). Then we'll have dinner in the large marquee at around seven, with dancing afterward.

Finishing Up

The winding up of a summer party welcome speech is an opportunity to thank people who have helped set everything up. Any staff who have helped should definitely be praised, but also anyone from outside who has helped.

There's a school of thought that says outside contractors should not be thanked for doing their job, after all they're being paid. But if you're going to criticise for a bad job you should praise for a job well done. Although this is an informal event you are still a leader and should lead by example.

  • Make sure you praise staff who have helped organise the summer party
  • Thank any outside contractors who've helped set the party up
  • Wish everyone a good party

Example: I'd like to thank (give individual names) for all their hard work setting up this bash. Thanks also to the people who've come to help us enjoy ourselves, the marquee contractors, the caterers and the bands who'll be entertaining you on till around eleven o'clock. Have a great time, relax and enjoy yourselves and I'll see you all on Monday!

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